
Radiance of Raindrops

Typhon’s Legacy is book 1 of the Chimera Trilogy

A dark, thrilling science fiction adventure about four friends held captive on a bleak planet at the edge of the solar system. As they struggle to escape and find a way home, they must also understand and overcome a deadly, spine-chilling scientific revelation that they played a part in creating.


Here is an excerpt:

Yuri Gagarin Space Station, orbiting Saturn’s moon, Titan, and home to Jamie and Dan for six years, was considered one of the largest artificial habitats in the system, outdone only by the floating cities above Luna. When Jamie stepped through the doors of Arrivals and Departures, she was immediately enveloped in a kaleidoscope of multicolored light and noise.

After living for over four months in the cramped and monochrome environment of the Mariner, followed by two weeks in quarantine, the reds, blues, yellows and greens of storefront signs, clothing, trailing and potted plants was overwhelming. A throng of talking, laughing, arguing people moved in front, behind and across their path as she and Dan left the terminal and walked out onto the cathedral-like expanse of the main concourse.

After taking a few steps, Jamie stopped and looked up at the atrium that stretched one thousand, two hundred and fifty feet from the lowest level of the station to its ceiling. Filling much of this space was Everest, a biohybrid structure that combined synthetics with the biological properties of a sequoia redwood. Jamie watched the fronds of the biohybrid ripple and spiral as it followed the heat signatures of the crowds moving along the causeways that intersected the atrium.

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Dan slipped an arm around her waist. “You’ve seen Everest about a thousand times.”

“Yeah, but I’ve never really appreciated how green it is. I’ve never noticed how many shades of green there are before now.”

“Poor chroma deprived woman.”

 Jamie nodded, inhaling the familiar compound scent of human bodies, food, station cleaning agents and the cool, dry tang of recycled air.


Her stomach growled. The smell of grease and spices was making her mouth water. She was about to ask Dan if he wanted to find a restaurant before heading home to their apartment, when she noticed a man leaning against a laundromat window two stores away. He had a buzz cut and was wearing a grey top and pant combination that looked military even without the insignias.

“Oh no,” she groaned, turning to Dan.

“I see him,” Dan replied. “He has private security written all over him.”

 No longer pretending to be watching passerby’s, the man pushed himself off the window and walked up to them.

“Dan Hamilton, Jamie Borgia. Please come this way.” He indicated that they should walk in front of him.

“What’s this all about?” Dan demanded, not moving. “We’ve been cleared and told we could go home.”

“Mr. Oserman wants to talk with you.” The man’s square face was expressionless.

“We might get some answers.” Jamie said, putting a reassuring hand on Dan’s arm. “I think we should go.”

Not that we really have a choice.