Science Fiction Author

Take a look at Terry Young’s debut novel, Typhon’s Legacy, Book 1 of the Chimera Trilogy:

Cold-blooded Mercenaries. Freedom Fighters. Sinister OmniCorps. Betrayal.

And Monsters.

Jamie Borgia must find a way to save herself, the people she loves and possibly the entire human race as she struggles to understand and overcome a spine-chilling scientific discovery.

It is two hundred years into the future and humanity is retreating from a dying Earth, colonizing the inner and outer solar system, bringing with it all the vices and virtues, passions and conflicts integral to mankind.

Jamie Borgia is a geobiologist on the Mariner III, a research vessel. She and her husband, Dan Hamilton, are part of an exploratory mission to the North Pole of Mercury. While searching for minerals and precious metals, they find something unexpected and extraordinary. But with growing horror they soon realize that what they have found is so potentially destructive that it eclipses all the dangers mankind has faced before.

As Jamie and Dan are pursued by a ruthless corporation and chased from the moons of Saturn to the fierce pioneer settlements of the Kuiper Belt, they must try to uncover the truth behind what they found under the icy waters of Mercury and neutralize a biological revelation that could reshape the human species.


There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

– William Shakespeare